Испратите нас на друштвеним мрежама

This Photo-monograph is a testimony of twenty years long efforts of the Association to find the truth about the fates of our loved ones.

One day of grief for the loved one who went out to see a friend, to work or to shop and never came back is enough to shatter or destroy the whole family.

How do our families feel, how strong, tortured and divided are they after 7,440 days of patience, petrified
sorrow and tears in front of the walls of the institutions which offered no comfort or justice?

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О удружењу

Удружење породица киднапованих и несталих лица на Косову и Метохији је непрофитабилна, невладина организација хуманитарног карактера и има за циљ расветљавање судбина отетих и несталих.



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